- he comes from good origins. 他出身于高贵的血统。
- He comes from a very good family. 他出身于一个非常好的家庭。
- He comes from finland. So do they. 他从芬兰来。他们也是。
- He comes from a long line of actors. 他出生于一个历史悠久的演员世家。
- He come from holland, but she come from Sweden. 他是荷兰来的,但她是瑞典来的。
- His success comes from good management. 他的成功靠他的经营能力。
- He came from a petty-bourgeois family. 他出身于一个小资产阶级家庭。
- Remember, good pupil always come from good teacher! 记住,明师出高徒。
- Successfully come from good opening begin !! 成功来自好的开始。
- He came from an obscure mountain village. 他来自一个偏僻的山村。
- He came from an impoverished background. 他出身贫寒。
- He came from the highest Hindu caste. 他出身印度最高的种姓。
- He comes from Norway, does not he ? 他是从挪威来的,对吗?
- He comes from Ohio or thereabouts. 他出身于俄亥俄州或那附近。
- Have you any idea where he comes from? 他是哪里人,您知道不知道?
- He comes from Holland,but she comes from Sweden. 他是荷兰来的,但她是瑞典来的。
- Many of these young hitchhikers may come from good families. 这些年轻的搭车客中有好多可能来自于不错的家庭。
- He sometimes lapses from good behavior. 他有时候会行为失检。
- His passport is proof that he comes from Canada. 他的护照证明他是加拿大人。
- He comes from Finland . So do they . 他从芬兰来。 他们也是。